Monday, December 19, 2016

My Email to the Higher Ups

I am so upset. This is an email I just sent.
My daughter's heart problem

Kathleen Carlin <>
Brian Riedl, Hope Gartman, Julie Jones, fernandez.lester@mail.dc.state.fl.usr
Today at 6:31 PM
To Whom It May Concern,
I am so tired of the medical staff-specifically Dr. Benoit not doing their job. My daughter has the symptoms of a serious heart problem-shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, almost fainting, etc. and my daughter is not a complainer. She had an EKG a few months ago and it showed an abnormality and the nurse showed it to Dr. Doesn't Know His Job in his office. He did not come out and examine my daughter. She left in tears then saw him outside and asked him why he did not examine her. He asked her how much water she was drinking (a normal amount) and told her she was drinking too much water. So, her symptoms are getting worse and have been for awhile. My daughter is not a complainer. She has no faith in medical and feels like they won't do anything anyway, but the symptoms are getting worse and she filled out a sick call form with all her symptoms and the nurse thought it was serious enough to see the doctor. Well Doctor Doesn't Know His Job did not examine her-did not take out his stethoscope and listen to her heart. Did not ask her pertinent questions. He asked her how much coffee she drinks and she told him 2 cups a day and he told her she is drinking too much coffee-and where did he get his degree? I have heart problems and have been to heart doctors and they order all kinds of tests with those symptoms. This is serious and this so-called Doctor just dismisses her and does absolutely nothing. The nurse had told her that the protocol is to have her wear a heart monitor for 48 hours. Like most heart problems, the symptoms happen every day but not every minute. I have been thru that with atrial fib. My daughter could have a heart attack or a stroke.
And the other part of this is, I am a mom. I love my daughter. I lose sleep over this kind of thing which I should not have to if everyone was doing their job. Would you want your daughter treated like that? I don't think so.
I have talked to so many moms about the blatant abuse by the prison system that it is just overwhelming that human beings would treat other human beings with such disregard. Is this a 3rd world country? Where is the compassion and empathy?
The prison industrial complex needs to change. More and more people are becoming aware of the oppression and lack of rehabilitation.
The New York Times did an article on German prisons, What We Learned From German Prisons We need to learn from them. There are many progressive countries who do not warehouse human beings the way we do in this country but give them rehabilitation, counseling and most of all hope.
I am having surgery in a month and I don't need this kind of stress. My daughter is upset. I am upset. All because of a doctor who isn't doing is job.
Best Regards,
Kathleen Carlin

1 comment:

  1. Keep on them until they get so tired of hearing from you that they examine her properly!
