Monday, December 26, 2016


OMG I'm eating white cheddar cheese crackers from one of my packages mom got me-so so good.  I am probably annoying my bunky by crunching them-but she is not asleep yet-definitely have to be conscious of your bunky's likes and dislikes if you are going to live cohesively.  In a lock-down dorm you are shut in your cell during count and all night.  The last thing you want is to not get along with your bunky.  I have seen blood baths-literally-from two bunkies not getting along.  They cut each other, throw pee at each other, dump their belongings everywhere.  It can be insane if the bunkies are crazy and on edge.  Most are heavily medicated and sometimes the ones who are the scariest are the ones who really need it (not just to get high).  They need it!  There have been nights where some do not get their pills and I guarantee you they end up naked running around, attacking people, banging on the windows to get out or attack an officer.  Please give them their meds!  The inmates with mental health problems live in the general population because there is no psych ward or housing for them.  They can make life unbearable for everyone else.

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